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SC Managementberatung GmbH
23554 Lübeck, Triftstr. 17

Mo-Do: 08.00 - 17.00 Uhr

Triftstraße 17 • 23554 Lübeck +49 (0)451 - 582 394 34 kontakt@sc-managementberatung.de

Improving the efficiency of your company

(Important for small and big enterprises in the regional as well as international markets.)
The main question: “What shall be changed to adapt the business model and to improve firms’ performances?”

The most powerful tool, being branded as VALPOT © is now used by SC-Managementberatung GmbH, Lübeck, Germany, for economical and optimal consulting and for client’s corporate development. ...

The business environment

The business environment changes fast over time. It is predetermined from the market and investors, which are a kind of frame for all market participants. This frame is firm external and, therefore, can hardly be changed by one firm solely. Market and investors conditions depend on the ongoing business, on business trends and global factors. For instance open borders for globalized business, business cooperation in industries, but also wars, cultural expansion of the society, and so on, influence the business frame.

Major improving tools for a company

On the other side, innovations, information, education, manufacturing, reinvesting are powerful ingredients to position the firm within the frame. The goal is to gain the highest possible competitiveness. Each firm must look for customers that buy their products and services. Equally important are reasonable margins will be achieved to fulfill the survival success. So, continuous adaptation of the business model and improvements of the firms’ performances are the challenges. This raises the main question: What shall be changed?
Considering literature one can find lots of answers to this question. Organize innovation processes, design new products, look for better services, improve productivity, achieve better information management, share information, leverage quality, empower employees, introduce measures on each level, grow business, seek new markets, analyze your markets, provide added values, satisfy customers, go global, consider business risk, ROI, lower costs, install flat hierarchies, work with IT, educate employees, change leadership, implement management models, achieve DIN ISO 9000ff, compare with bench marks, use statistics, work in teams, agree on vision and on strategies, integrate business, and…and…and. Unfortunately, literature is heavily focused on specific themes and someone who wishes to find a correct answer might not find it. Additionally, employees and managers always have to do the last step themselves, namely identifying the corporate needs and task requirements.

VALPOT © - Economical and optimal consulting for client’s corporate development

Before managers and employees answer above question they obviously should know where they have strengths and weaknesses and how strengths and weaknesses are built into their organization.

Daniel Sulser designed a specific case study method with its base on the multi-case (embedded) design by R. K. Yin to understand what elements drive strengths and weaknesses as well as how and where business success is developed. With the method he identifies existing elements and impacts to reflect managers’ and employees’ tasks and to support optimization. Along with the case study research method, Daniel Sulser also developed and applied new and precise tools for analyzing firm’s real-life-events.

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SC Managementberatung GmbH
23554 Lübeck, Triftstr. 17

Mo-Do: 08.00 - 17.00 Uhr